The Secret Behind Amazon SQS to Optimize Your Business Apps

Published on 2 October 2023

Serba-serbi Amazon SQS untuk Optimalkan Efisiensi Distributed Apps

Amazon Simple Queue Service (SQS) is one service (AWS) that has changed the way applications and distributed systems interact and communicate. The presence of SQS cannot be separated from the need to overcome the challenges of managing messages and tasks in increasingly complex and distributed applications. 

Before SQS, developers often faced several crucial problems. First, managing messages and tasks that must be processed by the application can be a complex task, especially in scenarios that involve communication between various application components. Second, ensuring the reliability of message delivery, especially in cases where messages must be delivered securely and must not be lost, was a challenge. Third, managing workloads that can change quickly, such as when an application gets a sudden spike in usage, was another issue. 

SQS solves these challenges by providing a reliable infrastructure for managing messages and tasks in a task queue. This allows applications to communicate asynchronously, cope with fluctuating workloads, and ensure reliability in message delivery. 

Still don’t understand what Amazon Simple Queue Service (SQS) is, how it works, and the benefits of implementing it in company applications? Come on, read the following article to find out. 

Understanding How Amazon Simple Queue Service (SQS) Works

Amazon Simple Queue Service (SQS) is a message management service provided by Amazon Web Services (AWS). SQS allows developers to send, store, and receive messages between various software components or systems running in a distributed environment. This service is very useful in implementing microservices architectures, distributed systems, and applications that require asynchronous communication between various parts. 

So, how does SQS work? SQS works by creating a queue in the SQS service. This queue acts as a temporary storage place for messages to be sent and received. Once a queue is created, applications can send messages to that queue. These messages can then be retrieved by components or applications that require the data. 

In short, SQS ensures that messages are safely stored in a queue until they are retrieved and processed. Once a message is retrieved, it is removed from the queue. SQS also provides high scalability and reliability, enabling applications to handle large workloads and remain running even in failure situations. 

Amazon Simple Queue Service (SQS) Types

Amazon Simple Queue Service (SQS) provides two types of task queues: Standard Queues and FIFO Queues. These two types of queues have different characteristics and are designed to meet various needs. The following is a brief explanation of the two types. 

Standard Queues

  • Standard Queues are designed to provide high throughput (the number of messages that can be processed) and maximum effort message sequencing. 
  • Messages will be delivered at least once, but in some rare cases, messages may be delivered multiple times. 
  • This type of queue has lower costs per transaction compared to FIFO Queues. 
  • Suitable for scenarios where duplicate messages may be received or where the order of processing is not critical. 

FIFO Queues

  • FIFO (First-In-First-Out) Queues are designed to ensure that messages are processed only once and in the order in which they are sent. 
  • Messages will be delivered in the same order as they were sent. 
  • FIFO Queues guarantee that messages are processed only once and are suitable for applications where strict sequencing and no duplication of messages are required. 
  • FIFO Queues have slightly higher prices compared to Standard Queues because of the additional guarantees they provide. 

Each queue type is appropriate for different use cases, so you should choose the type that suits your application’s requirements regarding message sequencing, duplication, and delivery guarantees. 

4 Benefits of Amazon Simple Queue Service (SQS)

Amazon Simple Queue Service (SQS) on Central Data Technology

Amazon Simple Queue Service (SQS) has a number of significant benefits for users and enterprises in managing asynchronous communications and messaging within applications. Here are some of the main benefits of Amazon SQS. 

1. Overhead Elimination

Can manage all the basic infrastructure required to operate message queuing services. This eliminates the direct costs, maintenance, and administration typically associated with building and operating a messaging infrastructure. 

2. Reliable Messaging

Messages sent will be stored securely in a queue until they are successfully retrieved and processed. This eliminates the risk of message loss or message delivery failure. SQS also helps in managing system fault tolerance by separating parts of the application and allowing the application to run and fail multiple times without any problems. 

3. Sensitive Information Security

SQS enables the exchange of sensitive data between applications by using server-side secret writing (SSE). Integration with AWS Key Management Service (KMS) allows users to centrally manage security keys, ensuring that SQS messages remain protected. 

4. Elastic Scalability and Cost Effectiveness

You can handle demand spikes without needing to design capacity or pre-provision additional infrastructure. SQS adjusts to your application’s demands, helping you save on operational and infrastructure costs. 

Amazon Simple Queue Service (SQS) Usage Example

Several leading companies, such as redBus and, have adopted Amazon Simple Queue Service (SQS) to overcome various challenges in enterprise application operations. 

redBus, an Indian travel agency, faced problems in managing bus bookings efficiently due to its inefficient physical infrastructure. By using Amazon SQS, redBus successfully integrates various AWS services, such as Amazon EC2, Elastic Load Balancing, and others. They also use Amazon SQS to manage communications between their applications, allowing messaging between external and internal applications. As a result, redBus achieves performance improvements, efficiency, and cost savings of around 30-40 percent., which provides hotel reviews with a large collection of photos, faced challenges in reprocessing its large collection of photo images. Previously, the job took around 800 hours to complete. By using Amazon SQS, was able to process images more efficiently and quickly, generating the required size for each photo and saving approximately US$10,000 in internal hardware costs. 

Both companies demonstrated how SQS helps in managing tasks that require significant time and resources, increasing operational efficiency, and reducing infrastructure costs, all thanks to SQS’ ability to manage asynchronous communications within their applications. 

Get Amazon Simple Queue Service (SQS) Only on CDT

Central Data Technology (CDT), as an AWS authorized partner, will help you implement Amazon Simple Queue Service (SQS), starting from the consultation stage to after-sales support to avoid trial and error. For further information about Amazon Simple Queue Service (SQS), contact us by clicking here. 

Author: Ary Adianto
CTI Group Content Writers 



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