Privacy Policy

At PT Central Data Technology, ensuring the privacy and security of your personal data is of utmost importance to us. As you navigate through our website,, collectively referred to as this “Website”, we strive to create a safe and trustworthy environment for all users.

This Privacy Policy establishes the terms governing your use of our website between you (“you” or “your”) and PT Central Data Technology. By accessing our website, you acknowledge that you have reviewed, understood, and consent to be bound by this Privacy Policy.

1. Personal Data We Collect

When utilizing or engaging with our Website, we may gather or receive various types of data, collectively referred to as "Personal Data", including but not limited to:

  1. "Personal Data," such as your name, email, contact details, or any other personal content provided to us via forms on our website or other means of communication (e.g., email, phone, mail, etc.).
  2. "Technical Information," such as browser type, operating system, device type, IP address, and similar technical data typically obtained automatically from browsers or devices when interacting with our Website. This may also encompass the referring URL that directed you to our website.
  3. "Usage Information," such as the pages visited on our website, click activity, searches conducted, and other related data on how you have utilized our website. This category may also encompass details regarding your interaction with emails, including whether you opened, clicked on links, or received them.

We are committed in handling such personal data in accordance with applicable laws and regulations.

2. The Methods We Use to Collect and Receive Personal Data

Depending on the type of Personal Data, we collect or receive it through various channels, including but not limited to the following conditions:

  1. When you voluntarily share your Personal Data with us. For instance, when you subscribe to our newsletter or fill out our online form to request contact.
  2. By using cookies and similar technologies. These technologies help us analyze how our Website is utilized and tailor content that is pertinent to you. They also assist in delivering more relevant advertisements on our own or third-party sites.
  3. Information obtained from third-party sources. This encompasses information acquired through various business support tools and services we utilize, such as Website, analytics services, etc., as well as public sources like social media sites. We may merge the Information from these sources with other data we possess to maintain updated records and provide you with pertinent content.

3. The Purposes

We utilize Information for the following purposes:

  1. Processing your inquiries and responding to your requests, such as when you reach out to learn more about our products or services.
  2. Sending you information related to our services and products that we believe may be of interest to you, such as an invitation to our upcoming events, follow-up by WhatsApp blast and/or call, newsletters, or updates on products and services. These communications are sent to you either based on your explicit consent or when we have a legitimate interest in marketing our products and services. You always have the option to opt out of receiving invitation, newsletters, and/or updates on products and services.
  3. Understanding how you interact with our Website and tailoring it to align with your interests, past actions, and preferences. We do this to enhance our Website, diagnose any issues, and improve your experience while navigating through them.
  4. Preventing fraud or harm to us or any third party, and ensuring the security of our network and services, which is in our legitimate interest.
  5. Complying with our legal obligations and exercising and enforcing our legal rights as necessary for PT Central Data Technology.
  6. Utilizing certain third-party marketing and advertising networks to assist in marketing our products on our website and third-party Website.

4. Who We Share Your Personal Data With

To facilitate our business operations and the functioning of our Website, we may disclose your Personal Data to various third parties, including:

  1. Our global branches and subsidiary companies.
  2. Third-party service providers aiding in the operation of our Website, such as hosting companies, recruitment platforms and agencies, payment processors, business management, and email distribution service providers, and similar service providers. These entities are authorized to use your personal data solely to provide these services to us.
  3. When compelled by law, such as to comply with court orders, search warrants, regulatory orders, subpoenas, and other lawful requests from public authorities, including those for national security or law enforcement purposes.
  4. Legal authorities, consultants, advisors, or service providers required to investigate, respond to, or prevent fraud, or to ensure the security of our network and services and safeguard the well-being of PT Central Data Technology or the public.
  5. In the event of a merger and/or acquisition involving PT Central Data Technology, Personal Data may be transferred to the merging or acquiring entity, as well as to any advisors representing parties involved in discussions related to such merger or acquisition.
  6. Principal, resellers, partners, sponsors, or service providers acting on our behalf in conjunction with the offering of PT Central Data Technology’s products or services.
  7. Third-party marketing and advertising networks assisting in the promotion of our products on our Website and on third-party websites, such as Google for remarketing ads across the Internet.
  8. PT Central Data Technology may also disclose general aggregate and anonymized information (e.g., statistical data) pertaining to the use of its Website.

5. Cross Border Data Transfers
  1. We may need to transfer Personal Data to countries where we and/or our service providers operate. These countries may have different data protection laws compared to the country where the data originated, potentially offering different levels of protection. By using our Website, you consent to such transfers. In cases where applicable to the services provided, we will establish agreements with our service providers to ensure a level of privacy consistent with the terms of this policy.
  2. Regarding the collection, use, and retention of Personal Data transferred from Indonesia, please note that PT Central Data Technology remains compliant with all relevant laws concerning such transfers.

6. Protecting Your Personal Data

We aim to uphold top-tier security standards throughout our business operations. We have adopted suitable technical and organizational safeguards aligned with industry best practices. These safeguards are devised to prevent unauthorized access or unlawful handling of Personal Data and to mitigate the risk of accidental loss, destruction, or damage of such data. As part of these efforts, we have instituted several policies and procedures to guide us, covering aspects such as asset management, access control, physical security, personnel security, product security, cloud and network infrastructure security, third-party security, vulnerability management, security monitoring, and incident response.

7. Data Storage and Retention

We may store your Personal Data on both our own servers and those managed by third-party data hosting providers. As explained in Section 5 above (Cross Border Data Transfers), these servers may be situated globally. We will retain your Personal Data only for as long as necessary to fulfil the collection's intended purpose. Additionally, we may retain your Personal Data for the duration required to pursue our legitimate business interests, address any legal claims, and ensure compliance with legal obligations. In instances where we utilize your Personal Data for direct marketing, we will retain your data until you choose to opt-out of receiving marketing materials; however, certain data may need to be retained to maintain a record of your request.

8. Modifications to This Policy

PT Central Data Technology reserves the right to amend this Privacy Policy at any time. In the event of a significant change, we will provide notice on this page and/or adjacent to the link leading to this page. These updates will become effective immediately for new Personal Data collected or provided from the date of the update, and within thirty (30) days for any Personal Data collected or provided to PT Central Data Technology prior to the update. If you do not agree to the terms of the revised policy, please contact our Legal Department using the contact details provided in Section 11 below. We encourage you to periodically review this page for any updates.

9. Your Choices

We offer you various options regarding the use of Personal Data in relation to: (i) our marketing activities; and (ii) our utilization of cookies and similar technologies for interest-based advertising and website usage analysis

  1. You can choose to discontinue receiving our newsletter or marketing emails by following the unsubscribe instructions included in these emails, adjusting email preferences in your account settings page, or contacting us through You can manage your preferences concerning our use of cookies and similar technologies, which are used to provide targeted interest-based advertisements and analyze your website usage, by referring to our Cookie Policy for guidance.
  2. Moreover, the laws in some jurisdictions may grant you various rights concerning our processing of Personal Data. These rights may include:
  1. The right to withdraw previously provided consent;
  2. The right to access specific data about you that we process;
  3. The right to rectify or update any Personal Data;
  4. The right to request the erasure of certain data;
  5. The right to temporarily suspend our processing of Personal Data;
  6. The right to receive Personal Data in a common machine-readable format;
  7. The right to object to our processing of Personal Data for direct marketing purposes or when we rely on legitimate interests as the lawful basis for processing your Personal Data; and
  8. The right to file a complaint with the relevant data protection authority.

We will address your requests promptly. Please note that these rights may be subject to limitations under applicable law. For further information on these rights or to exercise them, please contact PT Central Data Technology at:

10. Social Media and Third-Party Services

Our Website may include a blog with a 'comments' section and several social media features, such as a 'share' button or links to third-party websites and services like Facebook, X, YouTube, LinkedIn, and Instagram. When utilizing these features, certain data may be gathered by these third parties, such as your IP address or the specific page you are visiting on our website. Additionally, these third parties may set cookies to ensure the proper functioning of the features. Any data collected by these third parties is subject to their respective privacy policies. We encourage you to thoroughly review the privacy policies of these third parties.

11. Contacting Us

If you have any questions or concerns regarding this Website Privacy Policy, the Personal Data we collect, PT Central Data Technology's practices, or your interactions with the Website, please feel free to contact us. You can reach us via email at or by physical mail addressed to: PT Central Data Technology (Centennial Tower 12th Floor Jl. Jend. Gatot Subroto Kav. 24-25 Jakarta, 12930. Indonesia, Phone (+62 21) 80622200).

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Privacy & Policy

PT Central Data Technology (“CDT” atau “kami”) sangat berkomitmen untuk memastikan bahwa privasi Anda dilindungi dengan sebaik-baiknya sebagai hal yang sangat penting bagi kami. Melalui, kami akan mengatur penggunaan Anda terhadap situs web ini, termasuk semua halaman dalam situs web ini (secara kolektif disebut di bawah ini sebagai “Situs Web ini”), kami ingin berkontribusi dalam menyediakan lingkungan yang aman dan terjamin bagi pengunjung.

Berikut adalah ketentuan kebijakan privasi (“Kebijakan Privasi”) antara Anda (“Anda” atau “Anda”) dan CDT. Dengan mengakses situs web ini, Anda mengakui bahwa Anda telah membaca, memahami, dan menyetujui untuk terikat oleh Kebijakan Privasi ini.

Penggunaan Layanan Langganan oleh CDT dan Pelanggan Kami

Ketika Anda meminta informasi dari CDT dan memberikan informasi yang secara pribadi mengidentifikasi Anda atau memungkinkan kami untuk menghubungi Anda, Anda setuju untuk mengungkapkan informasi tersebut kepada kami. CDT dapat mengungkap informasi tersebut hanya untuk keperluan pemasaran, promosi, dan aktivitas sebatas untuk CDT dan Situs Web ini.

Pengumpulan Informasi

Anda bebas menjelajahi Situs Web ini tanpa memberikan informasi pribadi tentang diri Anda. Ketika Anda mengunjungi Situs Web atau mendaftar untuk layanan langganan, kami menyediakan beberapa informasi navigasional untuk Anda mengisi informasi pribadi Anda agar dapat mengakses beberapa konten yang kami tawarkan.

CDT dapat mengumpulkan data pribadi Anda seperti nama Anda, alamat email, nama perusahaan, nomor telepon, dan informasi lainnya tentang Anda atau bisnis Anda. Kami mengumpulkan data Anda dengan berbagai cara, secara online dan offline. CDT mengumpulkan data Anda secara online menggunakan fitur media sosial, pemasaran melalui email, situs web, dan teknologi cookies. Kami mungkin mengumpulkan data Anda secara offline dalam acara-acara seperti konferensi, pertemuan, lokakarya, dll. Namun, kami tidak akan menggunakan atau mengungkapkan informasi tersebut kepada pihak ketiga atau mengirimkan email yang tidak diminta ke salah satu alamat yang kami kumpulkan, tanpa izin Anda. Kami memastikan bahwa identitas pribadi Anda hanya akan digunakan sesuai dengan Kebijakan Privasi ini.

Bagaimana CDT Menggunakan Informasi yang Dikumpulkan

CDT hanya menggunakan informasi yang dikumpulkan sesuai dengan kebijakan privasi ini. Pelanggan yang berlangganan layanan langganan kami diwajibkan melalui perjanjian dengan mereka untuk mematuhi Kebijakan Privasi ini.

Selain penggunaan informasi Anda, kami dapat menggunakan informasi pribadi Anda untuk:

  • Meningkatkan pengalaman penjelajahan Anda dengan mempersonalisasi situs web dan meningkatkan layanan langganan.
  • Mengirim informasi tentang CDT.
  • Mempromosikan layanan kami kepada Anda dan berbagi konten promosi dan informatif dengan Anda sesuai dengan preferensi komunikasi Anda.
  • Mengirim informasi kepada Anda mengenai perubahan dalam syarat layanan pelanggan kami, Kebijakan Privasi (termasuk kebijakan cookie), atau perjanjian hukum lainnya.

Teknologi Cookies

Cookies adalah potongan kecil data yang situs web transfer ke hard drive komputer pengguna ketika pengguna mengunjungi situs web. Cookies dapat mencatat preferensi Anda saat mengunjungi situs tertentu dan memberikan keuntungan dalam mengidentifikasi minat pengunjung kami untuk analisis statistik situs kami. Informasi ini dapat memungkinkan kami untuk meningkatkan konten, memodifikasi, dan membuat situs kami lebih ramah pengguna.

Cookies digunakan untuk beberapa alasan, seperti alasan teknis agar situs web kami dapat beroperasi. Cookies juga memungkinkan kami untuk melacak dan mengarahkan minat pengguna kami untuk meningkatkan pengalaman situs web dan layanan langganan kami. Data ini digunakan untuk memberikan konten dan promosi yang disesuaikan dengan pelanggan yang memiliki minat pada subjek tertentu.

Anda memiliki hak untuk memutuskan apakah menerima atau menolak cookies. Anda dapat mengedit preferensi cookies Anda melalui pengaturan browser. Jika Anda memilih untuk menolak cookies, Anda masih dapat menggunakan situs web kami, meskipun akses Anda ke beberapa fungsi dan area situs web kami mungkin terbatas.

Situs Web ini juga dapat menampilkan iklan dari pihak ketiga yang berisi tautan ke situs web lain yang menarik. Setelah Anda menggunakan tautan ini untuk meninggalkan situs kami, harap dicatat bahwa kami tidak memiliki kendali atas situs tersebut. CDT tidak dapat bertanggung jawab atas perlindungan dan privasi informasi yang Anda berikan saat mengunjungi situs web tersebut, dan Kebijakan Privasi ini tidak mengatur situs web tersebut.

Kontrol Data Pribadi Anda

CDT memberikan kendali kepada Anda untuk mengelola data pribadi Anda. Anda dapat meminta akses, koreksi, pembaruan, atau penghapusan informasi pribadi Anda. Anda dapat berhenti berlangganan dari aktivitas pemasaran kami dengan mengklik “berhenti berlangganan” di bagian bawah email kami atau menghubungi kami langsung untuk menghapus Anda dari daftar langganan kami.

Kami akan menjaga informasi pribadi Anda agar tetap akurat, dan kami memungkinkan Anda untuk memperbaiki atau mengubah informasi identifikasi pribadi Anda melalui

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Privacy & Policy

PT Central Data Technology (“CDT” or “us”) is strongly committed to ensuring that your privacy is protected as utmost importance to us. , we shall govern your use of this website, including all pages within this website (collectively referred to herein below as this “Website”), we want to contribute to providing a safe and secure environment for visitors.

The following are terms of privacy policy (“Privacy Policy”) between you (“you” or “your”) and CDT. By accessing the website, you acknowledge that you have read, understood and agree to be bound by this Privacy Policy

Use of The Subscription Service by CDT and Our Customers

When you request information from CDT and supply information that personally identifies you or allows us to contact you, you agree to disclose that information with us. CDT may disclose such information for marketing, promotional and activity only for the purpose of CDT and the Website.

Collecting Information

You are free to explore the Website without providing any personal information about yourself. When you visit the Website or register for the subscription service, we provide some navigational information for you to fill out your personal information to access some content we offered.

CDT may collect your personal data such as your name, email address, company name, phone number and other information about yourself or your business. We are collecting your data in some ways, online and offline. CDT collects your data online using features of social media, email marketing, website, and cookies technology. We may collect your data offline in events like conference, gathering, workshop, etc. However, we will not use or disclose those informations with third party or send unsolicited email to any of the addresses we collect, without your express permission. We ensure that your personal identities will only be used in accordance with this Privacy Policy.

How CDT Use the Collected Information

CDT use the information that is collected only in compliance with this privacy policy. Customers who subscribe to our subscription services are obligated through our agreements with them to comply with this Privacy Policy.

In addition to the uses of your information, we may use your personal information to:

  • Improve your browsing experience by personalizing the websites and to improve the subscription services.
  • Send information about CDT.
  • Promote our services to you and share promotional and informational content with you in accordance with your communication preferences.
  • Send information to you regarding changes to our customers’ terms of service, Privacy Policy (including the cookie policy), or other legal agreements

Cookies Technology

Cookies are small pieces of data that the site transfers to the user’s computer hard drive when the user visits the website. Cookies can record your preferences when visiting a particular site and give the advantage of identifying the interest of our visitor for statistical analysis of our site. This information can enable us to improve the content, modifying and making our site more user friendly.

Cookies were used for some reasons such as technical reasons for our website to operate. Cookies also enable us to track and target the interest of our users to enhance the experience of our website and subscription service. This data is used to deliver customized content and promotions within the Helios to customers who have an interest on particular subjects.

You have the right to decide whether to accept or refuse cookies. You can edit your cookies preferences on browser setup. If you choose to refuse the cookies, you may still use our website though your access to some functionality and areas of our website may be restricted.

This Website may also display advertisements from third parties containing links to other websites of interest. Once you have used these links to leave our site, please note that we do not have any control over the website. CDT cannot be responsible for the protection and privacy of any information that you provide while visiting such websites and this Privacy Policy does not govern such websites.

Control Your Personal Data

CDT give control to you to manage your personal data. You can request access, correction, updates or deletion of your personal information. You may unsubscribe from our marketing activity by clicking unsubscribe us from the bottom of our email or contacting us directly to remove you from our subscription list.

We will keep your personal information accurate, and we allow you to correct or change your personal identifiable information through