Ungu.in has 305K visitors per month and maintaining availability is a top priority. The significant issue we encounter is that Ungu.in often went “down” during spikes in user traffic. CDT has truly provided the right solution. We utilize several AWS services including EC2, Amazon S3, ECS, ELB to support our core system. We also using AWS services such as CodeCommit, CodePipeline, CodeBuild, and CodeDeploy to enable our automation projects that use CI/CD methodology.
CDT helped us design and implement a robust cloud infrastructure on AWS. They are not only professional, but also very collaborative! The CDT team was very humble and flexible for listening to our needs. With an impressive portfolio of AWS certifications, we felt that CDT was the best IT Solutions Provider. We can now maintain the availability of Ungu.in and provide a better experience to our users. Thank you, CDT!