Save Smarter with Cost Management Center

About Cost Management Center
Benefits of Cost Management Center

Cost and Usage Visualization
Gain insights into your AWS cost and usage with graphs and tables. Our console streamline the analysis of complex cost and usage data.

Multi Account Management
Keep track of costs and usage across multiple accounts with a single dashboard for easy monitoring.

Report and Analysis
It helps track costs and expenses by service, account, and usage. You can customize AWS Cost Explorer reports for detailed insights into spending trends and cost drivers.
CDT as First Authorized NCC in Indonesia

IT professionals have assisted 150++ customers from various industries in Indonesia, Myanmar, UK, and other countries worldwide to implement solutions that support their business operations.

Manage Your Business With Us!
See More NCC Solutions
Our centralized billing management system helps you easily monitor your spending and keep track of your budget
It's important to stay up-to-date about your cloud environment. One way to do that is by getting real-time alerts
Feature that offers information about your cloud service's status, performance, and usage
We offer Preventive and Corrective Maintenance to ensure your systems run smoothly.
Easily handle multiple AWS accounts with one dashboard for more productivity and increase your business's operational efficiency. Start using it today and experience its practicality!
Experience our console that transforms your cost and usage data into visualizations.
NCC Backup Management simplifies the process of creating backup strategies, scheduling backups, configuring backup settings, and selecting AWS resources to back up.
Utilizing the user-friendly and accessible through our dedicated WhatsApp support service.