Securing Corporate Networks: Key Insights for Effective Ransomware Protection

Published on 1 August 2023

Wajib Tahu, Ini Cara Efektif Mengatasi Ransomware pada Jaringan Perusahaan

Ransomware protection in the digital era is a complex undertaking. Ransomware attacks have evolved significantly, rendering traditional network security inadequate for safeguarding businesses against this formidable threat. 

The evolution of ransomware is closely intertwined with the sophisticated tactics employed by cybercriminals. These malicious actors employ techniques like spear-phishing, exploit kits, and “living off the land” strategies to clandestinely infiltrate corporate networks while evading detection. So, what precisely is ransomware, and what is the best protection to shield businesses from such threats? Explore these topics further in the forthcoming article. 

What is Ransomware?

Ransomware represents a category of malware meticulously crafted to effectively hold a victim’s data or computer system hostage. The term “ransom” conveys the concept of a demand for payment, and thus, ransomware denotes a malevolent software variant that employs encryption to render data inaccessible or seizes control over the victim’s system. Subsequently, the wrongdoer solicits a ransom, typically denominated in digital currency such as Bitcoin, from the victim, in exchange for the restitution of data access or system functionality. 

The operational modus operandi of ransomware generally commences with its infiltration into the victim’s system via diverse avenues, which encompass tactics like the dissemination of phishing emails and the exploitation of vulnerabilities within network security. Upon successful infiltration, the ransomware initiates the encryption process on files located within the victim’s computer, thereby rendering them inaccessible without the encryption key exclusively possessed by the perpetrators. 

Consequently, the afflicted individuals are subjected to a ransom communication, detailing the procedural instructions for fulfilling the ransom payment and thereby procuring the decryption key to reinstate their data. Nonetheless, it is important to note that remitting the ransom does not assure the return of the data, even in the event of compliance with the perpetrator’s demands. 

6 Reasons Why Digital Businesses Must Be Aware of Ransomware Attacks

Waspadai Serangan Ransomware

Digital businesses must be extra vigilant about ransomware attacks because these attacks can have a very detrimental impact and damage the company’s operations. In addition, here are six effects of ransomware attacks on businesses. 

1. Losing Access to Data

Ransomware attacks can encrypt company data, depriving data owners of access to critical information. Without access to this data, companies may find it difficult to operate, make informed business decisions, or provide services to customers.  

2. Operational Disturbance

Ransomware can cause serious disruptions to business operations. When systems and data are locked, employees cannot work efficiently, and entire business processes can come to a halt, causing lost productivity and revenue.  

3. Financial Losses

Ransomware attackers usually demand a ransom in digital currency such as Bitcoin, whose value can fluctuate. Regardless of the ransom payment, the company will still face data recovery costs, lost revenue during downtime, and a potential long-term impact on the company’s reputation.  

4. Reputation Impact

If customers and business partners find out that the company has experienced a ransomware attack, it has the potential to lose reputation and trust.  

5. Risk of Data Breach

It increases the risk of a data breach and can result in further losses if sensitive company data falls into the wrong hands.  

6. Legal Non-compliance

If companies fail to adequately protect customer data, they can face serious legal consequences and fines.  

Therefore, it is important for every company to take preventive steps to protect themselves from ransomware threats, such as updating software, backing up data regularly, and finally implementing a Zero Trust strategy to strengthen network security systems. 

Zero Trust Strategy, an Effective Solution to Mitigate Ransomware Attacks

Strategi Zero Trust, Solusi Efektif Mengatasi Serangan Ransomware

Zero Trust represents an effective security strategy for addressing and preventing ransomware threats within the digital business environment. The Zero Trust approach is anchored in the principle that all access must undergo stringent verification, irrespective of the user’s or device’s location. 

The rigorous oversight and monitoring of network activity also constitute integral aspects of the Zero Trust framework. This encompasses the surveillance of data traffic, activity logs, and the identification of anomalous behavior across the network. Consequently, should suspicious activity arise, the Zero Trust system promptly reacts by isolating the compromised device or account before it can inflict broader damage. 

Furthermore, Zero Trust features the inclusion of a Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) security system. In this context, the system verifies not only usernames and passwords but also mandates additional authentication, such as a unique code transmitted to a registered device or the utilization of a fingerprint scanner. Naturally, the incorporation of the MFA feature significantly impedes hackers’ attempts to attain comprehensive access. 

To implement Zero Trust Security in your business, the initial step involves delineating the requisite protection strategy. Subsequently, opting for sophisticated technology or a solution that has demonstrated its effectiveness in bolstering the company’s network security becomes paramount. An illustrative instance of this is the Zero Trust Exchange solution from Zscaler. 

Zscaler Zero Trust Strategy to Overcome Ransomware

Zscaler stands out as the preeminent choice for cybersecurity solutions, primarily because it is the sole vendor offering a dedicated Zero Trust platform designed explicitly for the cloud. Furthermore, Zscaler consistently garners recognition as a trusted leader within the cybersecurity industry. 

With its flagship platform, the Zero Trust Exchange, Zscaler delivers robust protection against cyberthreats, including ransomware, by adopting the fundamental premise that nothing can be assumed trustworthy by default, not even devices and users within an internal network. 

Moreover, Zscaler Zero Trust Exchange has embraced the “Zscaler Zero Trust Network Access” (ZTNA) approach, which facilitates secure access to any application from any device without necessitating a VPN. This solution incorporates advanced security features like risk assessment and sophisticated threat analysis. 

Secure Access Service Edge (SASE)

Zscaler Zero Trust Exchange is an integral component of the Secure Access Service Edge (SASE) model, which unifies network security and internet access on a single, cohesive platform. SASE extends security proximity to the user, thereby affording immediate protection to connected devices regardless of their location, even beyond the corporate network’s confines. 


Employs a micro-segmentation approach that confines access based on identity and business necessity. Users or devices are granted access solely to specific applications or data essential for their tasks. This approach ensures that if ransomware manages to infiltrate via any device, its impact can be isolated and contained. 

Multi-Factor Authentication and Rigorous Access Control

Zscaler implements an additional layer of security for users seeking access to applications and data. Stringent access controls guarantee that only authorized and authenticated users can access designated resources. 

Cloud-Based Analytics and Security

Leveraging cloud-based security technology, Zscaler conducts real-time traffic inspection and enforces security policies consistently across the network. This facilitates early detection and swift responses to ransomware threats. 

Activity Monitoring

Zscaler’s comprehensive suite includes potent monitoring and analysis tools for tracking network activity and behavior identification. This capability enables the early detection of ransomware attack indicators and the implementation of prompt countermeasures. 

In summary, Zscaler Zero Trust Exchange presents a formidable approach to safeguarding enterprises from ransomware threats. By embracing Zero Trust principles, constraining access, implementing Multi-Factor Authentication, and relying on cloud-based security, organizations can diminish the risk of ransomware attacks and safeguard their data and operations effectively. 

Also read: What is Zero Trust Security and Its Benefits for Your Business Security?

Implement the Zscaler Zero Trust Exchange Solution at CDT

The time has come to embrace the Zscaler Zero Trust Exchange solution, a comprehensive security offering that delivers an exceptional user experience. With a global presence of 150 data centers, your company can effectively detect and counteract Zero Trust Security breaches through advanced security technology. 

Central Data Technology (CDT) has partnered with Zscaler to deliver dependable solutions, with a particular focus on the Zero Trust Exchange. For further information regarding the implementation of Zscaler solutions tailored to your business needs, please do not hesitate to contact us by clicking on the following link. 

Author: Ary Adianto
CTI Group Content Writers 


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