Why Zero Trust Network Access (ZTNA) is the Future of Network Security?

Published on 18 October 2024

F5 Zscaler ZTNA

Imagine leaving the front door of your house unlocked because you trust everyone in your neighborhood. Sounds risky, right? Yet, this is how many organizations have traditionally approached network security—once inside the network, users often have broad access. In an era where cyber threats are more sophisticated than ever, this approach is no longer viable.  

Industries like banking, finance, government, and the public sector are under constant attack from cybercriminals seeking valuable data. According to Cybersecurity Ventures, cybercrime is predicted to cost the world $10.5 trillion annually by 2025. That’s equivalent to the third-largest economy globally. 

With such staggering figures, it’s clear that traditional security measures like Virtual Private Networks (VPNs) are falling short. The need for a more robust, modern solution is undeniable. Enter Zero Trust Network Access (ZTNA)—a cutting-edge approach that’s revolutionizing how organizations protect their digital assets.  

What is ZTNA? 

Zero Trust Network Access (ZTNA) is a security framework based on the principle of “never trust, always verify”. Unlike traditional security models that grant wide-ranging access once a user is authenticated, ZTNA treats every access request as if it originates from an untrusted network. This means that no user or device is automatically trusted, even if they are within the organization’s perimeter. 

According to Gartner, ZTNA creates an identity- and context-based, logical access boundary around applications. This approach significantly enhances network security by reducing the risk of unauthorized access and potential breaches. 

ZTNA works by establishing secure, one-to-one connections between users and the specific applications they need. It doesn’t expose the entire network to any user, thereby minimizing potential entry points for cyber attackers. Whether a user is accessing the network from the office, home, or a coffee shop, ZTNA ensures that every request is authenticated and authorized based on strict policies. 


At first glance, both ZTNA and VPNs aim to provide secure remote access, but their methodologies and effectiveness differ vastly. VPNs create a secure tunnel between the user’s device and the network, granting broad access once authenticated. This means that if a user’s credentials are compromised, an attacker could potentially navigate through the entire network, accessing sensitive information. 

In contrast, ZTNA offers granular, application-specific access. Users are authenticated and authorized for specific resources only, without exposing the broader network. This minimizes the attack surface and significantly reduces the risk of unauthorized access. Moreover, ZTNA continuously verifies user identity and device compliance throughout the session, whereas VPNs typically authenticate only at the point of entry. 

By prioritizing ZTNA over VPNs, organizations benefit from enhanced security, better scalability, and improved user experiences. ZTNA solutions are typically cloud-based, offering better performance and the ability to easily scale to accommodate a growing number of users without significant infrastructure changes. 

Read More: Understanding VPNs: How They Work, Their Benefits, and Relevance in the Modern Era 

The Advantages of ZTNA

Embracing ZTNA brings a host of benefits that can transform an organization’s security posture and operational efficiency: 

1. Enhanced Security

By implementing the principle of least privilege, ZTNA ensures users access only the applications and data they need, reducing the risk of internal threats and unauthorized access. 

2. Reduced Attack Surface

Applications are hidden from unauthorized users, making it significantly harder for attackers to locate and exploit vulnerabilities. 

3. Improved User Experience

Users enjoy seamless access to applications without the need for cumbersome VPN clients or complex configurations, leading to increased productivity. 

4. Scalability

Cloud-native ZTNA solutions can easily scale to accommodate a growing remote workforce, supporting organizational growth without significant infrastructure investments. 

5. Simplified Management

Centralized policies and controls make it easier for IT teams to manage user access, monitor activities, and maintain compliance with regulatory standards. 

Security Benefits of ZTNA

ZTNA significantly strengthens network security through various mechanisms, providing a multi-layered defense strategy: 

1. Continuous Verification

Users and devices are continuously authenticated and authorized, ensuring that only legitimate users maintain access throughout their sessions. 

2. Micro-Segmentation

The network is divided into isolated segments, limiting the potential spread of breaches and preventing lateral movement by attackers within the network. 

3. Contextual Access Controls

Access decisions consider multiple factors such as user identity, device health, location, and behavior patterns, enhancing security measures. 

4. Encrypted Communications

All data transmitted between users and applications is encrypted, safeguarding sensitive information from interception and eavesdropping. 

5. Advanced Threat Detection

ZTNA solutions often include analytics and machine learning capabilities to detect unusual activity and respond to potential threats in real-time.  

How Does ZTNA Work?

ZTNA operates by establishing secure connections based on stringent identity verification and access policies. Here’s how the process typically unfolds: 

1. User Request

A user attempts to access a specific application or resource within the network. 

2. Authentication

The ZTNA system verifies the user’s identity using methods such as multi-factor authentication (MFA), which may include passwords, tokens, or biometrics. 

3. Device Compliance Check

The system assesses the security posture of the user’s device, ensuring it complies with organizational policies (e.g., up-to-date antivirus software, latest security patches). 

4. Policy Enforcement

Access is granted or denied based on predefined policies that consider user roles, device compliance, location, and time of access. 

5. Secure Connection Established

If authorized, a secure, encrypted connection is created directly between the user’s device and the requested application, without exposing the broader network. 

6. Continuous Monitoring

The system continuously monitors the session for any anomalies or changes in user behavior and device compliance, ready to revoke access if necessary.  

General Use Case of ZTNA

General Use of ZTNA

ZTNA is particularly beneficial for organizations operating in high-stakes industries like banking, finance, government, and public sectors. Here are some common use cases: 

1. Secure Remote Work

Enables employees to securely access corporate applications and data from any location, supporting remote work and business continuity. 

2. Third-Party Access Management

Allows controlled access for contractors, partners, and vendors to specific applications without exposing the entire network, reducing supply chain risks. 

3. Regulatory Compliance

Helps organizations comply with industry regulations by enforcing strong security controls and providing detailed audit trails. 

4. Protection Against Advanced Threats

Minimizes the risk of data breaches through continuous monitoring and adaptive security measures. 

5. Cloud Migration Support

Facilitates secure access to cloud-based applications and resources, making the transition to cloud services smoother and more secure. 

How to Implement ZTNA 

Implementing ZTNA involves strategic planning and collaboration with experienced security professionals: 

1. Assess Your Needs

Evaluate your current security posture and identify gaps that ZTNA can fill. 

2. Choose the Right Solution

Select a ZTNA product that aligns with your infrastructure and security objectives. 

3. Define Access Policies

Establish clear policies dictating who can access specific applications and under what conditions. 

4. Integrate with Existing Systems

Ensure seamless integration with your current authentication systems and applications. 

5. Pilot Deployment

Start with a small user group to test the solution and refine policies. 

6. Full Rollout

Gradually expand the deployment, providing training and support to users. 

7. Continuous Monitoring

Regularly monitor the system’s performance and update policies as necessary. 

Read More: What is Network Security and How to Choose the Best Solution to Protect Your Business Assets 

How to Choose the Right IT Partner for Your ZTNA Implementation

A successful ZTNA implementation hinges on selecting the right authorized IT partner. Central Data Technology (CDT) is an ideal choice for several reasons as we offer industry-leading ZTNA products like F5 BIG-IP Access Policy Manager, Zscaler ZTNA, and Zscaler Private Access (ZPA). 

F5 BIG-IP Access Policy Manager

F5 BIG-IP Access Policy Manager offers robust features: 

  • Hybrid App Access: Integrates with identity providers like Azure AD, centralizing authentication across all apps—cloud-native, SaaS, and on-premises. 
  • Zero Trust App Access: Secures every application request with granular validation based on context. 
  • Robust Endpoint Security: Performs device security checks and provides per-app VPN access seamlessly. 
  • Secure Remote Access: Offers end-to-end encryption with customizable authentication and access controls. 

Zscaler ZTNA

Zscaler ZTNA delivers next-generation security: 

  • Peerless Security: Users connect directly to applications, not the network, minimizing attack surfaces. 
  • Advanced Threat Protection: Inline prevention and threat isolation protect against sophisticated attacks. 
  • Superior Productivity: Provides lightning-fast access for remote users and third-party partners. 
  • Unified Platform: Securely connects users, workloads, and devices, including OT/IoT. 

Zscaler ZPA

As the world’s most deployed ZTNA solution, Zscaler Private Access (ZPA) offers: 

  • Zero Trust Connectivity: Connects users to apps without exposing the network, enhancing security. 
  • Minimized Security Risks: Advanced segmentation and AI-powered policies mitigate threats. 
  • Seamless User Experience: Ensures consistent and secure access to applications from anywhere.

Get F5 and Zscaler from CDT as Authorized Partner

Protect your business data now with solutions from F5 and Zscaler, available through Central Data Technology (CDT). As part of PT Computrade Technology International (CTI) Group, we are committed to supporting you every step of the way, from the implementation process to maintenance and after-sales support. Don’t wait any longer to gain a competitive edge through optimal data utilization.  

Contact the CDT team today to start your analytical transformation journey. Click here to connect with us and find the right solutions for your business needs! 

Author: Jeko Reza 

Content Writer CTI Group 



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